5 Ways IT Professionals Can Destress

5 Ways IT Professionals Can Destress


We all deal with stress at one point or another in life. In fact, it’s a normal part of life, according to the American Psychological Association, but some people suffer from more stress than others.

Since it’s a reaction that evolved as a way to protect us from predators, it makes sense that stress feels awful. Especially since we still face major threats in the modern day — for example, working in the stressful IT office.

There’s good news, though; you can take action to reduce your stress. The following are 5 proven ways to help de-stress before, during, and after work.

Identify your stress triggers

It may sound obvious, but it’s important to know exactly what stresses you out.

Do you know what your stress triggers are? How do you react to these situations? When you can answer these questions, consider solutions that can prevent them. While you won’t get rid of every stress in your life, you can systematically remove the ones you have control over.

Like PCIHIPAA BBB CEO Jeff Broudy says, “Test, learn, test, repeat.” For example, if you stress the most over morning traffic, ask for a more flexible schedule. You might work two days from home, and only commute three days a week. If that doesn’t work, you haven’t failed; you’ve learned what to test next.

Breathing techniques

There’s a reason that simple breathing techniques are the oldest tricks in the book; they work. Even while you’re sitting at the desk, you can take a few deep breaths and use some basic body mechanics to enhance the feeling.

To begin, take a deep inhalation. As you do, imagine the air entering your stomach instead of the lungs. Push your gut out as you take in air, and then release as you exhale. Make sure to truly empty your lungs.

For three breaths, put your muscles into it, and then return to normal rhythm. You’ll find your whole body feels much more relaxed and prepared to take on daily tasks.

Wake up earlier

Not everyone can do this, but it might surprise you how much more of a morning person you become just by waking up earlier.

You’ll feel ready to do much more before anyone else even wakes up. In fact, you might feel capable of working out, responding to yesterday’s emails, or reading. Or, you’ll have more time to get ready in the morning and have some breakfast.

Getting through your daily tasks first thing lets you get through that to-do list faster. That means you’ll finish earlier and you’ll have time for more things you actually enjoy doing.

Give yourself an ear massage

It might sound like gossip from the other department, but studies show giving yourself an ear massage does work. Known as auricular acupressure, this traditional Chinese practice relieves anxiety and stress in surgery patients.

To massage the ears, look for the middle of the upper third of each ear. These Shen Men points reportedly boost energy and reduce stress when stimulated. Considering the day-to-day stress of an IT office, it certainly couldn’t hurt!

Discard and organize

Being around disorganization and clutter increases stress and a sense of chaos. Just think about the last time you couldn’t find that important document, or your car keys?

Simply put, get rid of everything you don’t need anymore. Start organizing what you do need, using whatever method makes the most sense to you. This way, you will always know exactly where your things are.

Stress in the office can feel impossible to escape, but this doesn’t have to be the case. Remember to care for yourself, and you’ll reap the benefits — increased productivity and less stress.